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Gabrielle & Beau Timeline

This timeline details the activity of Gabrielle and Beau (formerly V3). For more information about what happens at the NEFL nest, be sure to check out our event log!

Gabrielle First Seen at Nest9/12/20229/1/20239/4/24 @LOP
9/6/24 At Nest
V3 - Beau First Seen at Nest12/10/20228/31/20238/24/24
1st Mating Seen9/23/2022 (Wallenda)12/17/23 (nest)10/24/24 (nest)
Day 1 Incubation12/19 6:16pm (NE28)
12/23 5:15pm (NE29)
12/8 5:56pm (NE30)
12/12 6:22pm (NE31)
Pip Watch Date1/23 (NE28)
1/27 (NE29)
1/11/25 (NE30)
1/15/25 (NE31)
PIP Confirmed
Pip-Hatch (Total Hours)
Hatch Date
Days Gestation
# of Hatchlings
1st Official Branch
# Weeks to Official Branch
1st Perch Out on Branch
# Weeks to Perch
Fledge from Nest Tree
# Weeks to Fledge
# Fledglings
Fledge Branch
Date Fledglings Left Nest Area
# Weeks to Leave Area
Gabrielle Left Area (After Last)
V3 - Beau Left Area5/15 (V3)
Gabrielle Last Seen5/15
V3 - Beau Last Seen5/15 (V3)